I must first state the cause, why the star Venus never
recedes from the sun more than 46 degrees, nor Mercury more
than 23[1], while they frequently return to the sun within this
distance[2]. As they are situated below the sun, they have
both of them their apsides turned in the contrary direction;
their orbits are as much below the earth as those of the
stars above mentioned are above it, and therefore they cannot
recede any farther, since the curve of their apsides has no
greater longitude[3]. The extreme parts of their apsides
therefore assign the limits to each of them in the same
manner, and compensate, as it were, for the small extent of
their longitudes, by the great divergence of their latitudes[4].
It may be asked, why do they not always proceed as far as
the 46th and the 23rd degrees respectively? They in reality
do so, but the theory fails us here. For it would appear
that the apsides are themselves moved, as they never pass
over the sun[5]. When therefore they have arrived at the
extremities of their orbits on either side, the stars are then
supposed to have proceeded to their greatest distance; when
they have been a certain number of degrees within their
orbits, they are then supposed to return more rapidly, since
the extreme point in each is the same. And on this account
it is that the direction of their motion appears to be changed.
For the superior planets are carried along the most quickly
in their evening setting, while these move the most slowly;
the former are at their greatest distance from the earth
when they move the most slowly, the latter when they move
the most quickly. The former are accelerated when nearest
to the earth, the latter when at the extremity of the circle;
in the former the rapidity of the motion begins to
diminish at their morning risings, in the latter it begins to
increase; the former are retrograde from their morning to
their evening station, while Venus is retrograde from the
evening to the morning station. She begins to increase her
latitude from her morning rising, her altitude follows the
sun from her morning station, her motion being the quickest
and her altitude the greatest in her morning setting. Her
latitude decreases and her altitude diminishes from her
evening rising, she becomes retrograde, and at the same
time decreases in her altitude from her evening station.
Again, the star Mercury, in the same way, mounts up in
both directions[6] from his morning rising, and having followed
the sun through a space of 15 degrees, he becomes almost stationary for four days. Presently he diminishes his altitude,
and recedes from his evening setting to his morning rising.
Mercury and the Moon are the only planets which descend
for the same number of days that they ascend. Venus
ascends for fifteen days and somewhat more; Saturn and
Jupiter descend in twice that number of days, and Mars in
four times. So great is the variety of nature! The reason
of it is, however, evident; for those planets which are forced
up by the vapour of the sun likewise descend with difficulty.
1. According to Ptolemy, these numbers are respectively 47°51? and
24°3?; the modern astronomers have ascertained them to be 48°and 29 °.
The least elongations of the planets are, according to Ptolemy, 44°7? and
18°50?, and according to the observations of the moderns,
45°and 16 °;
Marcus in Ajasson, ii. 354.
2. I have not translated the clause, "quum sint diversæ stellæ," as,
according to Hardouin, it is not found "in probatissimis codd.," and
appears to have little connexion with the other parts of the sentence;
it is omitted by Valpy and Lemaire, but is retained by Poinsinet and
3. When these inferior planets have arrived at a certain apparent
distance from the sun, they are come to the extent of their orbits, as seen
from the earth.
4. "Quum ad illam Solis distantiam pervenerunt, ultra procedere non
possunt, deficiente circuli longitudine, id est, amplitudine." Alexandre in
Lemaire, ii. 277.
5. The transits of the inferior planets had not been observed by the
6. "utroque modo;" "latitudine et altitudine;" Hardouin in Lemaire, ii. 279.